
"Anybody can win the matches you can dominate, but it's the tough matches that are going to make the difference."
- Jim Zalesky, University of Iowa

Monday, November 22, 2010

Schedule for Thanksgiving Week

We only have two school days this week as we prepare for a five day weekend to celebrate Thanksgiving. Our schedule is as follows:
Mon. School and regular practice 2:45-5:30PM
Tues. School and regular practice 2:45-5:30PM
Wed. No School or Practice
Thurs. Happy Thanksgiving (No School or Practice)
Fri. Practice 9AM-11:30AM (No School)
Sat. Wadsworth Scrimmage Bus leaves at 7:00AM, on mats at 8:30AM, Practice 9AM-!2:00PM
Sun. No Practice

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